Bei Breedlove® Guitars stehen leidenschaftliche Innovation,
und Nachhaltigkeit ganz oben auf der Liste.
Die angenehm leicht spielbaren Instrumente inspirieren
und erzeugen nicht zuletzt wegen ihrer revolutionären
Korpusformen einen ausgezeichneten Klang.
Tommorow´s guitar today – Breedlove®
Sustainable & Clear Cut Free
Made from sustainably-sourced exotic and native tonewoods. No clear-cut trees are used in these instruments. Breedlove uses salvaged and individually harvested timber and has deep relationships with responsible suppliers around the globe. As we move towards sustainability across all lines, owner Tom Bedell has visited 15 countries to discover exactly where the wood comes from, how it is selected and harvested, and how this affects the wildlife, the community, the forest and the planet.

Breedlove Guitars
61573 American Loop
Bend, Oregon 97702
Breedlove wird in Deutschland vertreten von
Gerhard Knauer
Welfenstrasse 11, 70736 Fellbach